| Top 5 Ways that YOU can help make Bulldog Bash a success! |
There are less than 4 weeks until the Bash and tickets are selling fast! Purchase yours now before tickets sell out! General admission is only $35 and includes entry to the auction, two drinks, dinner from Triola’s Kitchen, late night snacks from La Mex, and a GOOD TIME! You can buy tickets for staff members too! You can also help by becoming a sponsor and/or donating to the auction. Once you register, you can get ready to buy! And most importantly–spread the word! Share our Facebook event and invite your friends. Not sure what Bulldog Bash is? Here’s the scoop: It’s fun. It’s casual. It’s not your elementary school auction. We will raise money for Heights High School, but more than anything we will come together with parents, staff, alumni, and community members (adults only) to celebrate the Heights High School community. April 13, 7-11pm, at the SPJST Lodge, 1435 Beall Street, Houston, TX 77008.
Heights staff members - check your email for a link to request tickets!
| Open School Store slots in March! |
We have lots of several openings for volunteers in March! We need your help! Sign up here. |
| Get your car ready for those upcoming road trips! Stop by Heights Mobil Car Care throughout the month of March for your next oil change and support your Heights PTO at the same time |
| Class of 2025 Remind code: @78cfcg3 Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/heights2025/ Instagram: @heightsco2025
College Center presentation for Junior students - 03.07.24 Highlights
-- Maintain grades this last semester for your GPA for college admissions -- SAT/ACT prep/test/retake -- Create a list of colleges/schools Here are pictures from the presentation: Ms. Schumacher will have a meeting in the evening for parents and students. No date as of now but last year it was in late spring, and we have pics too in the FB parent group. Bulldog Bash Gift Card Basket: Thank you so much for your support last year because of your generosity we helped raised funds for our PTO. Please help again this year by contributing Gift Cards for the basket. You can purchase and give to our Class Representative. Thank you! |
Class of 2027 Remind code: @hhs-27 Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/heights2027/ Freshman parents we need your help! The Bulldog Bash will be here soon. Our class Basket is a Scratch off/Lottery Theme. We are asking for donations of fun lotto scratch offs or you can also donate towards purchase of basket items @Latrice-Ferguson (8135). Items for the basket can be dropped off 435 w 30th street. Please contact Tiffany Alexander or myself if you have questions |
| Congratulations to our Heights girls basketball players who received all-district honors! Seniors Sofia Alvarez and Danielle Robinson were second team all-district, Sophomore Mira Johnson received first team all-district, and Junior Jazmyn Gilbert was District MVP for the second year in a row! HISD’s Sunrise Centers are hosting open houses between April 3-11 - Sunrise Centers provide easy access to a wide array of resources including healthcare, food pantries, clothing, and so much more. Please join us to learn more about how our Sunrise Centers are ready to serve and support your family. Centros Sunrise brindan acceso fácil a una amplia gama de recursos, como atención médica, despensas de alimentos, ropa y mucho más. Venga a obtener más información sobre los servicios y el apoyo que los Centros Sunrise brindan a su familia. Congrats to the Heights wind ensemble, symphonic band, and jazz band for their recent superior and excellent ratings at competitions at Texas Southern University, Waltrip High School, and the University of Arkansas Pine Bluff – plus the seven seniors who earned scholarships! The City of Houston summer internship applications are now open! Students must be at least 16 years old. The deadline to apply is March 27. More info here and here. |
| Women's Health clinic hosted by the District H 03.23.24 |
Join us in celebrating Women's History Month with a Women's Health clinic hosted by the District H office and Houston Health Department! & Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 23rd, from 9am-1pm. Get valuable information and resources to support your health journey. Don't miss out-your health matters! |
| Heights Kids' Day of Music 03.23.24 |
Heights Kids Day of Music is gearing up for the BEST DAY EVER! Three stages of music, 30+ arts organizations, drumming tent, singing station, instrument petting zoo, and so much more!  Saturday, March 23rd  10AM-2PM  Love Park Have you reserved your ticket(s) yet? Event is FREE but registration is required/ |