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10/21/2024 12:00 pm

TONIGHT! Join area PTOs to learn more about the HISD bond election.  The Heights PTO is joining with other area PTAs and PTOs to host a roundtable on the HISD bond election on October 22 at 5:30pm at St. Mark’s UMC on Pecore. Both sides of the issue will be presented. Please send your questions in advance to hello@helmspta.org.

If you would like to learn more about reasons that voters are for and against the HISD bond under the Miles administration here are some resources:


Renew HISD website  

Good Reason Houston

Against the Bond:


Miles to Go:  No Trust, No Bond on Facebook or Instagram 

The Houston Chronicle also makes endorsements on all local races, including the HISD Bond.  

Click "More" to view the details in the flyer.

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HISD AP/IB/OnRamps Saturday Academy this Saturday at Heights!

10/21/2024 11:54 am

Register here!

Click "More" to see the flyers...


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Save the Date for HoCo 2024!

10/21/2024 11:47 am

HHS Homecoming Dance - 11.02.24 @ 6:30-10 PM in the Courtyard

Details on ticket purchases coming soon..

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